Traveling Stanzas


After "I March Everyday, from “Science Not Silence: Voices from the..." BY Sami
Disagree Kieran Wevers Book
After "The Everyday Astronaut, from “Science Not Silence: Voices fr..." BY Tim Dodd
High Altitude Diana Radovan Book
After "Science as a Verb, from “Science Not Silence: Voices from th..." BY Dr. Marguerite Matthews
To You Shanna Phu Book
After "Unfinished Business of Race, from “A Race Anthology: dispatc..." BY Rev. Otis Moss II
Liberty A Essay
After "More Than One Million People, from "Science Not Silence: Voi..." BY March for Science Team
North Pole Nate M Book
After "Fathers" BY Herbert Gold
Daughters A Book
After "President John F. Kennedy’s speech at the 50th Annual Meetin..." BY John F. Kennedy
To All People Henrik Nguyen Speech
After "Fathers" BY Herbert Gold
delicious pedigree d. andrew dzurick Book
After "President John F. Kennedy’s speech at the 50th Annual Meetin..." BY John F. Kennedy
Public Opportunity
Public Opportunity Marlon Speech
