Traveling Stanzas


After "Science as a Verb, from “Science Not Silence: Voices from th..." BY Dr. Marguerite Matthews
Homestung Ariel Chu Book
After "Crisis and Commitment" BY Dr. Omayra Ortega, SACNAS
Crisis Time Terry Blackhawk Speech
After "In Pursuit of Remarkable Journeys, from “Science Not Silence..." BY Valorie Aquino, PhD
Gravity Tender Rainie Oet Book
After "Dreaming & Science" BY Evelyn Valdez-Ward, SACNAS
MFA Sally K Lehman Speech
After "More Than One Million People, from "Science Not Silence: Voi..." BY March for Science Team
Letters Samuel Binns Book
After "The Everyday Astronaut, from “Science Not Silence: Voices fr..." BY Tim Dodd
The Kid And Space Deyna Kambourova Book
After "The Physics of Water Balloons, from “Science Not Silence: Vo..." BY Dr. Dan Pomeroy
Arc Christina M Rau Book
After "The Everyday Astronaut, from “Science Not Silence: Voices fr..." BY Tim Dodd
Curiosity Samuel Binns Book
After "The Physics of Water Balloons, from “Science Not Silence: Vo..." BY Dr. Dan Pomeroy
couldn’t show me Thelma de Castro Book
