Traveling Stanzas


After "Dreaming & Science" BY Evelyn Valdez-Ward
The Logic of Chnage Elizabeth Speech
After "Crisis and Commitment" BY Dr. Omayra Ortega
Engage Soretti Speech
After "Dreaming & Science" BY Evelyn Valdez-Ward
To My Family Nisha Mailapur Speech
After "In Pursuit of Remarkable Journeys" BY Valorie Aquino, PhD
Success Soohia Prose
After "Science Can’t Wait" BY Dr. DJ Patil
Don’t Wait Nandita Dey Prose
After "Science as a Verb" BY Dr. Marguerite Matthews
The Pursuit Gracie O’Rorke Prose
After "In Pursuit of Remarkable Journeys" BY Valorie Aquino, PhD
Ohio Bethany Prose
After "Dreaming & Science" BY Evelyn Valdez-Ward
Be The Change HM Speech
After "Science as a Verb" BY Dr. Marguerite Matthews
Every Feeling Here Lisa Prose
